Finding My Way : Innocent Intentions
Purely Innocent
As I've only been flying for one month, I have gained many experinces in the cabin about the familiarization and the how-to's on getting rid of pesky passengers. On some flights, we tend to get nice and not so demanding passengers. But on SOME flights, you get passengers demanding for fish when the options are merely chicken or beef. As a stewardess on board, what can you expect her to do? There are about 400 people confined in an aluminium tube 40,000 feet of the ground and what, you expect her to open the door and start fishing there and then?!? The expectations of some people can really drive you nuts sometimes. There was one occasion where a passenger was complaining about the light being too dim. It wasn't bring enough for her reading. My answer to her was,"well madame, why not turn on the other light next to you?" She goes,"It still isn't bright enough". Man, what can I do?!? "If I could get the light to be brighter for you, I definitely would madame, but I am no technician and there is just a certain limit to what I can to to help see to your comfort". She was pissed. "So, there is no choice then? So I just have to tolerate then? NEVERMIND". gheesee. talk about high expectations.. What more should she expect when she's merely paying for economy seat? I was so ticked off I wanted to tell her, "Why didn't you just pay for business class? The lights there are slightly brighter? But if you can't afford it, then I guess you'll just have to settle for the not-so-bright lights in economy - as what you paid for". I was not at all being rude to her, I was merely being realistic and had no intentions of being rude to her.
On Seniors
How do we really get to handle our seniors? Well, I have not learned much in this aspect yet but I can tell you there are many different ways as to how they handle their job. My last flight was to Birmingham and there were mostly asian crews on board. As many would know, Asians are reputable for their hard work as well as organised manner when they work. Our Senior, who was in charge of all of us, was not doing anything where as we were the ones running around like headless chickens around the cabin, attending to 400 passengers. He is a nice guy no doubt about it but when working in that manner, expecting the juniors to do his job for him? Is it anywhere near professional at all? Anyways, during my layover at Birmingham, I was in the crew lounge in the hotel, doing Sudoku and he came in. Next thing I knew, he was holding my down with his weight, trying to take advantage of the situation, the moment and me. I was begging and begging for him to let go and not touch me. He merely ignored. When he saw tears running down my cheeks, that was when he stopped.... As for now, I am hoping it was a bad dream that would just go away. A bad dream that will never come back to haunt me.

On Seniors
How do we really get to handle our seniors? Well, I have not learned much in this aspect yet but I can tell you there are many different ways as to how they handle their job. My last flight was to Birmingham and there were mostly asian crews on board. As many would know, Asians are reputable for their hard work as well as organised manner when they work. Our Senior, who was in charge of all of us, was not doing anything where as we were the ones running around like headless chickens around the cabin, attending to 400 passengers. He is a nice guy no doubt about it but when working in that manner, expecting the juniors to do his job for him? Is it anywhere near professional at all? Anyways, during my layover at Birmingham, I was in the crew lounge in the hotel, doing Sudoku and he came in. Next thing I knew, he was holding my down with his weight, trying to take advantage of the situation, the moment and me. I was begging and begging for him to let go and not touch me. He merely ignored. When he saw tears running down my cheeks, that was when he stopped.... As for now, I am hoping it was a bad dream that would just go away. A bad dream that will never come back to haunt me.