Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Finding My Way : My New Drug

Drugs are often known as substances consumed by one in order to be able to feel the high at the moment, or also to forget whatever miseries that one is facing. Often it is used by people who are depressed with the way things work out in life or also by another group of people who just want to have fun feeling the sensation of it.

Ever since my worse decision in my life which also lead to a realisation of what I wanted in life, my new designer drug was partying. The booze and the music often can be found anywhere in Dubai. From one club to another, there I was hoping I was able to forget him. Unfortunately I couldn't. Consuming more alcohol would only make me feel sick instead of the same rush I get when I see him. The nights passed, then weeks. It has turned into an addiction for me to get out there and forget all about it in the atmosphere of loud banging music and sweaty moving bodies with the stench of alcohol. Has partying become the new designer drug in town?

Has my addiction to this new 'drug' influenced my feelings for him? Honestly, no. It has done nothing. The only thing it has done is to make me forget for a short duration but it doesn't seem to be working. Was it because I was merely a recreational user and not a habitual user? Perhaps if I was a habitual user, I would be able to forget about the pain inside. Who knows, we shall see if it works.


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