Monday, November 28, 2005

Finding My Way : Monsters in-law?

I am pretty sure many girls would understand how I feel when I tell them that my boyfriend's mother hate me. The usual occurances would be :

1. Ignoring your existance
2. Saying how rude you are
3. Picking your every flaws
4. Only being nice whenever other people are around

Aren't all these signs of the boyfriend's mother being rather unruly towards us, the girlfriends? We try to be nice and all modest to her but then she can never put past in her mind that her little baby boy's now all grown up.

Are all mothers like that? Being all protective and insecure? Was it due to she herself knowing what women are capeable of and is trying to protect her son from us younger generations? Or is it because she wants someone excactly like her to be her future daughter-in-law? I guess the mentality they have would be that the younger generation are never as good and can never replace people like them. Or was it because they feel once their son is gone, they can never see them again? Or is it because they are no longer the only women in their son's life?

This issue is being brought up because it happens in every family no matter where we are. The moral of the story would be to never only have one child, be it a boy or girl because they are to feel the pressure of what their spouses are going through.


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